August 1, 2024
Group photo of a dinner party at ICORS 2024 with Italian friends including Barbara.

We enjoyed wonderful Italian foods and wine!

July 30, 2024
Group photo of a social dinner party at ICORS 2024 (Villa Dino) with Japanese friends and Dominika (Krakow).

July 2, 2024
Prof. Ozaki was invited to visit Prof. M. Baranska's house.

We shared a wonderful time with Polish foods prepared by Prof. Baranska. From left Prof. Baranska's hunband, Prof. Baranska and Prof. K. Malek.

July 3, 2024
Prof. Ozaki made courtesy call on President J. Ostrowski and Director, E. Broclaiwk of Polish Academy of Art and Sciences.

From left, Director, E. Broclaiwk, Prof. Ozaki, and President J. Ostrowski.

June 28, 2024
The announcement for seminar at Gdansk Univ. of Technology.

From left, Prof. Tsuboi, Prof. Ozaki, and Prof. Chib

June 26, 2024
Photo of the Gara dinner of European Symposium on Analytical Specroscopy (ESAS) 2024 at the Palace of Culture and Science.

Table for the Kwansei Gakuin Poeple and the Gdansk Univ. of Technology people.

June 20, 2024
Photo of a get-together of the annual meeting of Spectroscopical Socity of Japan. From left, Prof. Hasegawa, Prof. Hamaguchi, Prof. Ozaki, and Mr. Yamawaki (JASCO).

June 19, 2024
A get-together of the Ozaki group pople in Tokyo.

June 31, 2024
Prof. Ozaki received Xing Da Lectureship Award from Dean Prof. Yang

The title of his lecture was "New era of far-ultraviolet spectroscopy: a challenge to new σ chemistry"

June 31, 2024
The announcement of Xing Da Lectureship by Prof. Ozaki at the College of Chemistry and Molecular Engneering, Peking University

June 30, 2024
Prof. Ozaki enjoyed excellent Chinese food at a restaurant (白家大院) in Beijing with Prof. Y. Xu.

June 29, 2024
Dinner party with the Ozaki group people (Prof. Sun, Prof. Guo. Prof. Wang) and Prof. Kohji Tashiro group people of Beijing University of Chemical Technology.

June 29, 2024
Dinner party with Yue Wang, her husband (the far left) and her colleagues at North Eastern University in Shenyang

May 25, 2024
Yue Wang and Prof. Ozaki in front of Chemistry building of North Eastern University.

May 24, 2024
Photo of Wei Ji, Xiaolei Wang and Wei's students at a liverside in Harbin!

May 24, 2024
Photo of Wei Ji, Xiaolei Wang and Wei's students at a restaurant where we enjoyed wonderful Russian food!

May 23, 2024
Lunch with Prof. Wang Erkang, Prof. Shaojun Dong, and their colleagues at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry

May 23, 2024
Prof. Wang Erkang at the age of 91.

May 23, 2024
Dinner party with President Xi Zhang of Jilin Univ.

Prof. Bin Zhao, Prof. Yuqing Wu and a few more people joined.

May 22, 2024
Dinner party with Xiaoxia Han family, Yuqing Wu, Shuping Xu, Wei Song, and Weidong Ruan

May 21, 2024
Dinner party with Prof. Bin Zhao's group.

May 5, 2024
Wedding party of Kyoko and Daitaro Ishikawa at Hotel Hamatsu in Koriyama

Four Tohoku University professors, Mr. Hiroyuki Shimadzu (永吉島津家19代当主), two chirdren (Daitaro`s relatives) and Prof. Ozaki attednded.
From left, Prof. Nakano, Mr. Shimadzu, Prof. Fujii, Prof. Ozaki, Prof. Komai, and Prof. Harada

May 5, 2024
Wedding party of Kyoko and Daitaro Ishikawa at Hotel Hamatsu in Koriyama Daitaro and Kyoko Ishaikawa.

April 20, 2024
Wedding party of Sanpon Vantasin (Golf) and Praonrat Kosuthjai at Uegahara Campus of Kwansei Gakuin University

April 20, 2024
Wedding party of Sanpon Vantasin (Golf) and Praonrat Kosuthjai at Uegahara Campus of Kwansei Gakuin University

From Left, Prof. Ozaki, Sumino-san, Golf, Praonrat, and Tanaka-kun (Hokkaido Univ.)

April 14, 2024
Picnic at Shukugawa park with Tastuya and Erika Furukawa family

April 2, 2024
Picnic with Shinyo-sensei, Wakamatsu-san, an Fukushima-san in Osaka (near Osaka Catsle)

From Left, Ozaki, Wakamatsu-san, and Fukushima-san at Senpukan(泉布観).

April 2, 2024
Picnic with Shinyo-sensei, Wakamatsu-san, an Fukushima-san in Osaka (near Osaka catsle)

From Left, Ozaki, Shinyo-sensei, and Fukushima-san in front of the graveyard of Banto Yamagata.

March 31, 2024
Picnic with Tsuyoshi Furukawa family at Sumaura Park

March 30, 2024
Picnic with Seiya and Erika Ashibe family at Sumakaihin Park


December 30, 2023
One day trip to Kyoto (Eastern mountain area) with Ms.Kaori Fujiki and her husband Prof.Seungho Lee (Univ.Aberdeen).

The above photo was taken at Shirakawain (白河院)near Nanzenji(南禅寺).

December 26, 2023
The Ozaki group year-end party at Takamatsu with Itoh, Yoshida, and Ohara.

We enjoyed a wonderful full course of oyster cuisine at Shido(志度).

December 21, 2023
Year-end party with Prof.Shinyo, Prof.Wakamatsu, and Ms.Fukushima at Kobe.

We enjoyed the cheerful conversation with a wonderful Japanese cuisine at Sakabayashi(酒ばやし).

December 19, 2023
Visit to Prof. Harumi Sato’s office at Kobe University.

Dr. Xinlei Yan and Ozaki visited her office.

November 3, 2023
Excursion to Iwashimizu Hachimangu(石清水八幡宮)near Kyoto with Ms. Sumino and Ms. Tominaga.

We enjoyed a beautiful autumn day.

November 15, 2023
NIR Forum of JCNIRS in 2023 at University of Tokyo.

1st photo; The Ozaki group night; We celebrated the NIR Advanced Award for Dr. Takashi Nishii.
2nd photo; The award ceremony for Dr. Nishii.

October 16, 2023
The award ceremony at University of Albany

Ozaki received the Innovation Lectureship Award from Chemistry Department of University of Albany.

October 9, 2023
Group photo at the dinner party of SciX friends.

We cerebrated the Charles Mann Award for Juergen Popp, the Fellow Award for Bayden Wood, and the publication of the new book titled “Raman Spectroscopy in Human Health and Biomedicine” by Hide Sato, Juergen Popp, Bayden Wood, and Yukihiro Ozaki.

October 4, 2023
A group photo of the invited lecturers of International Symposium on Frontiers of Far and Deep Ultraviolet Spectroscopy at the Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan (Chair, Yusuke Morisawa).

From left, Akifumi Ikehata (NARO), Hidetoshi Sato (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.), Mizuho Fushitani (Nagoya Univ.), Takamasa Momose (Univ. of British Columbia), Yusuke Morisawa (Kindai Univ.), Barbara Rossi (Elettra, Italy), Yukihiro Ozaki (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.), Atsushi Taguchi (Hokkaido Univ.), Ichiro Tanabe (Rikkyo Univ.)

October 1, 2023
One day trip to Kyoto with Dr. Barbara Rossi and her husband, Matteo.

1st photo; at Silver pavilion (Ginkakuji, 銀閣寺)
2nd photo; at Shisendo (詩仙堂)

September 27, 28, 2023
Award Ceremony and Reception of China Government Friendship Award at Beijing

1st photo; Award ceremony of China Government Friendship Award. Prime minister, Qiang Li attended (front of the center).
2nd photo; Award reception at the great hall of the people at Beijing.
3rd photo; Several awardees at the great hall of the people. Americans, Russians, Japanese,,, all are god friends at the reception.

June 10, 2023
Award reception of Oleoscience Award (Japan Oil Chemists’ Society) at the annual meeting of the society at Kochi.

Hidetoshi Sato and Yukihiro Ozaki, Kwansei Gakuin University were joint winners of this award (Sato was a first awardee).
From left, Prof. Sato, Prof. Ozaki. Riku and Dr. Yurika Otoki (Tohoku University), and Prof. Nakagawa (Tohoku University).
Dr.Otoki received RSC Advances Award at the same conference.

July 29, 2023
Reunion of the class 1973 of Chemistry Department of Osaka University celebrationg the 50th anniversary of graduation.

13 classmates gathered at a hotel restaulant at Umeda, Osaka.

July 18, 2023
The Ozaki night at Takamatsu

Four Takamatsu Ozaki group people enjoyed a beer party at Takamatsu. From left, Ohara, Ozaki, Yoshida, and Itoh

June 10, 2023

1st photo; A group photo for the Yukihiro Ozaki Symposium.
2nd photo; From left, Zhen-Chao Dong, Yusuke Morisawa, Wei Song, Wei Ji, Yukihiro Ozaki, Yue Wang, Harumi Sato, Zhijun Zhang
3rd photo; A party held at a German style beer garden at Changchun by President Xi Zhang (the third from the right).

June 10, 2023
Award Ceremony of China Government Friendship Award for Yukihiro Ozaki and The Yukihiro Ozaki Symposium at Jilin University

Award Ceremony of China Government Friendship Award for Yukihiro Ozaki and The Yukihiro Ozaki Symposium were held on June 10 at Jilin University, China.
1st photo; Award Ceremony of China Government Friendship Award; President, Xi Zhang and Yukihiro Ozaki
2nd photo; Award lecture by Yukihiro Ozaki

May 27, 2023
Wedding party for Daitaro Ishikawa and Kyoko Inokura in Tokyo

Wedding party for Daitaro Ishikawa and Kyoko Inokura was held in Tokyo on May 27, 2023. Twelve Ozaki group people joined the party to cerebrate the wonderful couple.

May 21-22, 2023
4 Welcome parties for Prof. Young Mee Jung (Kangwon National University, Korea) and her husband.

Prof. Young Mee Jung (Kangwon National University, Korea), who was a postdoctoral fellow of the Ozaki group in 1998 and 1999, visited us with her husband from March 20 to March 23.
1st photo; a party at Kobe, beside the couple, Harumi Sato, Hide Sato, Y. Morisawa, T. Furukawa, and myself attended.
2nd photo; a party at Kindai University (Kindai Maguro restaurant), besides the couple, Y. Morisawa and I joined.

May 12, 2023
Conferment of Yukihiro Ozaki

1st photo; Group photo just after the ceremony for the audience at the imperial palace. Ozaki, forefront, the 4th from the right.
2nd photo; Yukihiro Ozaki with a medal just after the ceremony of the audience
3rd photo; A medal of The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon

March 31, 2023
A farewell party of TOYOTA Physical and Chemical Research Institute at TOYOTA Club for retiring fellows.

Term of office expired on March 31, 2023 for Prof. K. Nishikawa (Fellow, center in the 1st photo), Prof. H. Daimon (Fellow, right in the 1st photo), and myself (Guest fellow).
President, Prof. K. Tamao (the second from the right in the rear row) also participated in the party.

January 20-22, 2023
NIR-Chemometrics International Symposium at Naha, Okinawa.

1st photo; A party at an Okinawa style restaurant.
2nd photo; From left, Eizo, Jose, Yuki, Viviane and Fede.


December 23
The Ozaki group oyster party at Takamatu (Shido) on Dec. 23, 2022 (from the left Hashimoto, Yoshida, Ohara, Itoh, and Ozaki)

A photo taken on the beautiful day at Sasayama. From left, Sumino-san and her daughter, Sakurako-chan, Prof. Ozaki, Takaba-san, and Tominaga-san

2022 SciX was held at Cincinnati, USA during October 2 and 7, 2022. During the SciX Prof.Ozaki held an award party for Prof. Igor Lednev (Charles Mann Award for Applied Raman Spectroscopy).

Prof. Ozaki participated in 2022 European Symposium on Analytical Spectrometry ESAS and 17th Czech - Slovak Spectroscopic Conference held at Bruno in Czech during September 4 and 9. Prof. Ozaki received Medal of Ioannes Marcus Marci (Ioannes Marcus Marci Spectroscopic Society)

A party which cerebrated Prof. Ozaki’s 50th anniversary of Raman spectroscopy research held at HORIBA guest house. Prof. Furukawa, Prof. Harumi Sato, Prof. Hidetoshi Sato et al. joined this party.


Applied Spectroscopy, Special issue honoring Prof. Yukihiro Ozaki was published.

Award ceremony for the 2021 Karl Norris Award at Nagoya University, Prof. Ozaki, Prof. Tsuchikawa and his colleagues.


October 12-16, SciX on-line
Two award ceremonies at home (Chares Mann Award for Applied Raman Spectroscopy and Society for Honorary Membership Award)

June 9, Entrance ceremony for Toyota Physical and Chemical Research Institute


November 15, Honoris Causa of University of Wroclaw

October 13-October 18, SciX, Palm Springs

September 30-October 3, Laurel of Jagiellonian University for Prof. Barańska. Krakow

August 19-27, 2D-COS, ISEAC, Shenyang, Dalian

July 7-12, ICAVS 10, Aukland, NZ

June 20-29, University of Innsbruck

March 17-21 Pittsburg Spectroscopy Award, Pittcon, Philadelphia


December 11 Caroline von Humboldt Award Ceremony for Prof. Janina Kneipp, Humboldt Univ.

11月10日 : 紫綬褒章受賞記念パーティー、ホテル阪急インタ-ナショナル
November 10 : Award Party for The Medal with Purple Ribbon

August 26-31 The 26th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS), Jeju, Korea

6月30日, 7月1日 : 退職記念先端分子分光学国際シンポジウム(関学上ヶ原)
June 30, July 1 : ICAMS (International Conference on Advanced Molecular Spectroscopy), Kwansei Gakuin University.

June 25, 26 Horiba Raman Fest, Univ. of Tokyo

June 21-23 Asian NIR Conference, Kunming, China

5月16日 : 紫綬褒章伝達式、文科省、皇居
May 16 : Award Ceremony for the Medal with Purple Ribbon.